Name: Bintang Anggoro Putro
Class: 4ea20
NPM: 11210418
name Putro Anggoro Bintang born in Jakarta on July 14, 1992 and where I
live in Jatibening 2 AL over big lodge mango street bekasi, since
childhood I've lived and grew up in Jakarta, I grew up with my father's
family simple an elementary school teacher and mother I
am an elementary school teacher, I was the second of the two brothers,
as the second child I felt at once the same perhatiin my parents because
my brother was married and did not live with us, in 1998 I began my
education by attending SDN Jatibening 8 cottage bekasi
big and graduated in 2004, went on to SMP 20 bekasi and graduated in
2007, SMK Yadika 6 bekasi and after I graduated high school in 2010 I
went to university in the faculty of economics Gunadarma S1 majored in
management, at the start of education in Gunadarma
college I decided to major in management in accordance with the ability
of my three years I have lived my entire college, not felt until the
moment I have half of 8, in the recent times to achieve a college degree
I have to strive and work hard to be able to pass the right time, because I'd love to work fast and happy my parents, who have worked hard to pay for all my life,Thank you :)
Rabu, 11 Juni 2014
Nama :
Bintang Anggoro Putro
Kelas :
Npm : 11210418
Nama lengkap
Bintang Anggoro Putro lahir di Jakarta pada 14 Juli 1992 dan tempat tinggal
saya di jatibening 2 AL atas jalan mangga pondok gede bekasi, semenjak kecil
saya sudah tinggal dan besar di jakarta, saya dibesarkan dengan keluarga yang
sederhana ayah saya seorang guru SD dan ibu saya seorang guru SD, saya adalah
anak kedua dari dua bersaudara, sebagai anak kedua saya merasa di perhatiin
sekali sama kedua orang tua saya karena kakak saya sudah menikah dan tidak
tinggal bersama kami, pada tahun 1998 saya memulai pendidikan dengan bersekolah di SDN Jatibening 8 pondok gede bekasi dan
lulus di tahun 2004, melanjutkan ke SMPN 20 bekasi dan lulus pada tahun 2007,
SMK Yadika 6 bekasi dan setelah saya
lulus SMA pada tahun 2010 saya melanjutkan kuliah di universitas gunadarma di
fakultas ekonomi mengambil jurusan S1 manajemen, pada saat memulai pendidikan
di universitas gunadarma saya memutuskan untuk mengambil jurusan manajemen yang
sesuai dengan kemampuan saya tiga tahun lebih saya sudah jalani kuliah,tidak
terasa sampai saat ini saya sudah semester 8, di akhir-akhir waktu untuk
mencapai gelar sarjana ini saya harus berusaha dan bekerja keras untuk bisa
lulus dengan tepat waktu, karena saya ingin sekali untuk cepat bekerja dan
membahagiakan kedua orang tua saya, yang selama ini bekerja keras untuk
membiayai segala kehidupan saya,
Terima kasih :)
Rabu, 07 Mei 2014
scientific writing experience
scientific writing experience
At the time of the semester all students of the university Gunadarma six mandatory as a condition of doing scientific research to achieve a degree , Beginning of supervisor determination , at that time I was guided by the present pack as my supervisor , at the time of the first guidance begins by specifying the title of scientific research , and meetings on the second day by asking the title to the supervisor , at the time I proposed title is immediately accepted my proposed title is on the business feasibility of the studies on fat eel north , and at the third meeting I also filed a second chapter , at the time the two chapters that I asked to get the revision of the supervisor and I was immediately obeyed change the direction of the supervisor is not easy although I had to finish it , and continued in the third chapter of workmanship in the execution of the three chapters I began to frequently meet with business owners to inquire about eel her experience in cultivating what eels and things to note , the fourth straight dipertemuan my proposed chapter two and three , and at that time the chapter two and chapter three I was accepted , I was working up to chapter four , while working on the chapter I just find it difficult fourth due in the fourth chapter there are calculations that I do not understand , and I am working on chapter four with my friends , with the lecture begins at home or on holiday , and even my friend - friend to do it until late at night on campus , and when applying too much kasalahan four chapters in the calculation and the method I use , I was immediately asked for help from temana me to help me work on chapter four , I really feel berutung biased because it has helped my friend , I was often working at home my friend to the working group , until chapter four I received and continue to the fifth chapter . In the fifth chapter I did not find a lot of problems because of chapter five relative ease , and I began to spell out to others to complete my scientific research , at the last meeting I met with my supervisor in Depok campus to bring my scientific research that has been completed , departing from any of the morning I went straight to my friend's house to go to the depok campus together , and at the time of the last meeting of the session I got a letter , and my supervisor told me that was a lot to learn and understand about my research thoroughly in order to trial when I did not find it difficult to explain right and answer questions from the examiner that I will face later , and I also really feel lucky to be guided by the present pack tidah too difficult in my spare time manpaatka guidance continues to learn and improve my research paper , any time tersa very fast at that time , I and my fellow friends decided to medaptar trial , the trial pendaptaran any time my friend and I started to get confused , because my friend wants trial in Gunadarma depok campus and I would like to trial on campus Gunadarma Kalimalang I was still in my stance for a hearing on campus Gunadarma Kalimalang and finally my friend had come to me and sidangpun medaftar set on 27 August 2013 at 09:00 , after hearing any sign me and my friends mation continue to learn together in when off to college, I was very eager to learn , because I do not want to be difficult at the time the trial took place , because the first trial in my life , I felt very scared , at the time of trial time was getting closer and I began mepersiapkan any which should be brought at the time of the hearing , when the trial draws near, tomorrow is also my time has come to trial , and I was really thinking about it until tidurpun difficult , at precisely 05:00 the morning I was awake to study and at the time at 07:00 I 've departed from home to campus Gunadarma , even though my hearing started at 09:00 I chose to leave early because I wanted to learn more on campus to better remember what should I presented later at trial , I was up on campus at 08:00 and I started heading kelaintai trial lasted six karean campus Gunadarma on the sixth floor , where the trial when he got me and my friend immediately opened my research and read it , until it was my name was called and the trial began , Upon entering courtrooms I was getting nervous and I was trying to hold back and present my research properly , I started my scientific research results presented in front of the examiner , after I presented my research examiners start asking questions to me , at that time I got into trouble because there are errors in entering the data , the examiner continues questioned about it , and I also continue to answer it as best and as much as I am , about a thirty minute session I was finally finished , and I and my friends waiting for the announcement of the examiner , about the results of my trial , the announcement time I arrived my friends and other students at the time of the trial was that it was entering the court room to hear the announcement of the trial results , and I feel very happy because at the time it passed the hearing of all , and I got quite a lot of revision , the current scientific research meperbaiki me I was correct it together with my friends , at the time of the first meeting of my revisions , I was directed by my examiners to fix my table is wrong and fix the text does not fit , I was obeyed what the lecturer says I revise , at the time of the second meeting of my scientific research directly in the acc , I was instantly hard cover and finish what must be done I had to frequently go to college Gunadarma located in depok , such as asking for a trial pass stamp in depok campus and faculty signatures pebimbing , signature secretariat departments , etc. until I became getting my certificate of scientific research , I also feel very happy and grateful that I 've completed scientific research , which I think is not easy and quite a lot of cost , and I became to feel unbelievably grateful to my friends who I 've wanted petrified of doing my scientific research , as well as electronegative as to forget my parents who continue to support and finance until I finish my scientific research , so that's all I can tell you thank you .started toward kelaintai six karean trial took place at six campuses Gunadarma floor , when he got in my venue and my friend immediately opened my research and read , until my name got called and the trial began , When entering the courtroom I was getting nervous and I was trying to hold and present my research properly , I started my scientific research results presented in front of the examiner , after I presented my research examiners start asking questions to me , at that time I got into trouble because there is an error in entering the data , the examiner continues to question about it , and I also continue to answer it as best and as much as I am , about a thirty minute session I was finally finished , and I and my friends waiting for the announcement of the examiner , about the results of my trial , the timing of the announcement I arrived my friend and any other student at the time the trial was entering the court room to hear the announcement of the trial results , and I feel very happy because at the time it passed the hearing of all , and I got quite a lot of revision , at the time of my scientific research meperbaiki I also fix together with my friends , at the time of the revision of my first meeting , I was directed by my examiners to fix my table is wrong and fix the text does not fit , I was obeyed what the lecturer said I revise , at the time of the second meeting of the study scientific me directly at acc , I instantly hard cover and finish what I had to to be resolved often go to college Gunadarma located in depok , such as asking for a trial pass stamp in depok campus and faculty pebimbing signature , signature secretariat departments , etc. until I became I get a certificate of scientific research , I also feel very happy and grateful that I 've completed scientific research , which I think is not easy and quite a lot of cost , and I became to feel unbelievably grateful to my friends who already want petrified me in doing scientific research I , as electronegative as well as to forget my parents who continue to support and finance until I finish my scientific research , so that's all I can tell you thank you
Senin, 31 Maret 2014
Dibawah ini merupakan contoh dari bentuk-bentuk surat.
Bentuk-bentuk surat biasanya selalu dipakai dalam kedinasan atau pekerjaan atau
juga keorganisasian. Selain itu bentuk-bentuk surat biasanya memiliki bentuk
susunan atau bentuk struktur yang berbeda dengan bentuk suraqt yang lainnya.
Dibawah ini contoh bentuk-bentuk suratnya :
1. Bagian-bagian Surat Resmi
Surat Resmi merupakan surat yang
sering digunakan dalam kedinasan, keorganisasian, lembaga-lembaga instansi,
maupun pekerjaan. Surat ini dikatergorikan paling umum di gunakan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari jika sedang berurusan dengan instansi atau kelembagaan tertentu.
Bagian-bagian surat dari bentuk bagian-bagian surat resmi :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Hal tentang Surat
5. Lampiran
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
a. Kepala Surat (Instansi Surat)
b. Leher Surat (Identitas Surat)
c. Tubuh Surat (Penjelasan Isi Surat)
d. Kaki Surat (Sumber Surat)
2. Bentuk Resmi (Official Style)
Bentuk Resmi merupakan salah satu
bentuk surat dari bagian-bagian surat resmi. Fungsional dan Tujuan surat ini
sama dengan bagian-bagian surat resmi. Namuhn jangan loupa untuk membuat surat
resmi selalu perhatikan garis tengah agar surat resmi tersebut terlihat rapih
dan di terima oleh instansi atau lembaga karena surat resmi ini sifatnya tidak
main-main. Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Resmi :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
3. Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style)
Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block
Style) merupakan bentuk surat dimana Leher Surat, Tubuh Surat, dan Kaki Surat
tidak membentuk sebuah paragraph melainkan membentuk sebuah blok penuh dari kiri
hingga kanan. Namun susunan atau struktur surat masih tetap berlaku dalam surat
tersebut. Dalam pengetikan surat ini biasanya dimulai dari pasak garis pinggir
kiri. Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
4. Bentuk Lurus (Block Style atau Modified Block Style)
Bentuk Lurus (Block Style atau
Modified Block Style) merupakan bentuk surat yang memiliki posisi kanan pada
tanggal dan salam penutup. Bentuk surat ini sama saja halnya dengan Bentuk
Lurus Penuh namun yang membedakan hanyalah tanggal dan salam penutup berada
pada posisi kanan, baik dalam penulisan, pengetikan maupun strukturalnya.
Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Lurus (Block Style atau Modified Block Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
5. Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi Block Style)
Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi Block
Style) merupakan bentuk surat dimana semua bagian surat, kecuali isi surat,
diketika sama seperti bentuk lurus. Setiap akhir alinea baru diketik sesudah 5
ketukan dari pasak garis pinggir kiri. Biasanya bentuk surat ini suka ada dalam
surat undangan pernikahan. Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi
Block Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
6. Bentuk Sederhana (Simplified Style)
Bentuk Sederhana (Simplified
Style) merupakan bentuk surat yang hampir mirip dengan Bentuk Lurus Penuh namun
hanya saja tanpa ada salam pembuka dan salam penutup. Biasanya surat ini di
tujukan kepada orang-orang yang sedang bekerja di perusahaan itu. Terkadang
penulisan Surat Bentuk Sederhana ini sangatlah simple tanpa perlu memandang
kerapihan dan keteraturan. Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Sederhana
(Simplified Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
7. Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style)
Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style)
merupakan bentuk surat dimana surat yang di tujukan memiliki alinea formasi
baris berbentuk tangga turun. Bentuk Lekuk ini biasanya memiliki alinea
paragraf yang melekuk sehingga tidak terlihat rapih namun terlihat terstruktur
terutama pada bagian Surat yang di tujukan bentuk formasi alineanya seperti
tangga kebawah. Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran/Hal
5. Hal/Lampiran
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
8. Bentuk Alinea Menggantung (Hanging Paragraph)
Bentuk Alinea Menggantung (Hanging
Paragraph) merupakan bentuk surat dimana Tubuh Surat memiliki alinea yang
menggantung. Maksud dari alinea menggantung adalah setelah alinea baru, baris
berikutnya masuk lima spasi. Jadi setelah alinea pertama, alinea berikutnya harus
diberikan spasi sekitar 5 spasi. Biasanya bentuk surat ini ada pada kedinasan
tertentu. Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Alinea Menggantung (Hanging
Paragraph) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran/Hal
5. Hal/Lampiran
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
9. Bentuk Lurus Dengan Perihal atau "Pokok Surat" (Subject Notice)
Bentuk Lurus Dengan Perihal atau
"Pokok Surat" (Subject Notice) merupakan bentuk surat dimana Pokok
Surat terletak ditengah setelah Salam Pembukaan. Bentuk surat seperti ini di
buat agar orang yang membacanya terfokus terhadap Pokok Surat pada surat
tersebut. Jadi diletakan di tengah setelah Salam Pembukaan. Bagian-bagian surat
dari Bentuk Lurus Dengan Perihal atau "Pokok Surat" (Subject Notice)
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
10. Surat Bersambung (Surat Dua Halaman)
Surat Bersambung (Surat Dua
Halaman) merupakan bagian surat dimana surat tersebut merupakan sambungan dari
halaman sebelumnya. Surat ini biasanya di buat jika surat yang dibuat pada
lembar yang dibuat tidak muat. Biasanya hal yang mengakibatkan ketidakmuatana atau
ketidakcukupan lembaran surat itu ialah Tubuh Surat atau Isi Surat yang terlalu
panjang. Sehingga diperlukan lemabran surat lagi untuk melanjutkannya. Namun
ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam membuat halaman baru pada surat
yang diantaranya :
1. Nama yang dikirimi surat serta jabatannya (Kalau ada)
2. Halaman Surat (Halaman 2 dan seterusnya)
3. Tanggal Surat dibuat (bukan halaman surat yang dibuat)
4. Surat pada halaman berikutnya tidak perlu menggunakan kop surat
5. Tidak menggunakan tembusan dan nama yang di tembus atau nama lampiran atau inisial
Bagian-bagian surat dari Surat Bersambung (Surat Dua Halaman) :
a. Nama yang dikirimi surat serta jabatannya (Kalau ada)
b. Halaman Surat (Halaman 2 dan seterusnya)
c. Tanggal Surat dibuat (bukan halaman surat yang dibuat)
8. Isi Surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
1. Bagian-bagian Surat Resmi

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Hal tentang Surat
5. Lampiran
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
a. Kepala Surat (Instansi Surat)
b. Leher Surat (Identitas Surat)
c. Tubuh Surat (Penjelasan Isi Surat)
d. Kaki Surat (Sumber Surat)
2. Bentuk Resmi (Official Style)

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
3. Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style)

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
4. Bentuk Lurus (Block Style atau Modified Block Style)

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
5. Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi Block Style)


2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
6. Bentuk Sederhana (Simplified Style)

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
7. Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style)

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran/Hal
5. Hal/Lampiran
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
8. Bentuk Alinea Menggantung (Hanging Paragraph)

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran/Hal
5. Hal/Lampiran
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
9. Bentuk Lurus Dengan Perihal atau "Pokok Surat" (Subject Notice)

1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial
10. Surat Bersambung (Surat Dua Halaman)

1. Nama yang dikirimi surat serta jabatannya (Kalau ada)
2. Halaman Surat (Halaman 2 dan seterusnya)
3. Tanggal Surat dibuat (bukan halaman surat yang dibuat)
4. Surat pada halaman berikutnya tidak perlu menggunakan kop surat
5. Tidak menggunakan tembusan dan nama yang di tembus atau nama lampiran atau inisial
Bagian-bagian surat dari Surat Bersambung (Surat Dua Halaman) :
a. Nama yang dikirimi surat serta jabatannya (Kalau ada)
b. Halaman Surat (Halaman 2 dan seterusnya)
c. Tanggal Surat dibuat (bukan halaman surat yang dibuat)
8. Isi Surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
contoh surat Resmi
Nomor: /A.05/03/2011
Nomor: /A.05/03/2011
Berdasarkan Surat Kepala Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Perencana Bappenas Nomor:
1234/P.01/03/2011, tanggal 1 Januari 2011, Perihal pemanggilan para Calon Peserta Program S2 Luar Negeri –
Pusbindiklatren Bappenas Tahun 2011, dengan ini kami perintahkan kepada:
1234/P.01/03/2011, tanggal 1 Januari 2011, Perihal pemanggilan para Calon Peserta Program S2 Luar Negeri –
Pusbindiklatren Bappenas Tahun 2011, dengan ini kami perintahkan kepada:
Nama : Om Ganteng
NIP : 123456789
Pangkat/Gol : Penata Tk.I/III/d
Jabatan : Kasubbid Pengembangan Wilayah dan Permukiman
Unit Kerja : BAPPEDA Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Instansi : Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Untuk segera melaksanakan tugas belajar pada program persiapan bahasa Inggris (EAP) pada :
Perguruan Tinggi : Akan di tentukan kemudiaan
Tingkat : S2
Terhitung Mulai : 06 Juni s.d. 05 Desember 2011
Lama studi : 6 Bulan
Demikian untuk dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya.
Jakarta, 11 Januari 2011
Ttd + stempel
NIP: ………………..
Ttd + stempel
NIP: ………………..
Tembusan Yth.:
1) Kepala Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Perencana, Bappenas;
2) PPK PPSDMA Bappenas;
3) Gubenur DKI JAKARTA di Jakarta;
Jenis jenis Rumus dan Contoh Tenses
12 tenses (orang Inggris)
16 tenses (orang Indonesia)
1. Simple present tense
Simple present tense
Present continuous tense
Present continuous tense
Present perfect tense
Present perfect tense
Present perfect continuous tense
Present perfect tense
Simple past tense
Simple past tense
Past continuous tense
Past continuous tense
Past perfect tense
Past perfect tense
Past perfect continuous tense
Past perfect continuous tense
Simple future tense
Simple future tense
10. Future continuous
Future continuous tense
11. Future perfect tense
Future perfect tense
12. Future perfect
continuous tense
Future perfect continuous tense
13. Past
14. Past
future continuous
15. Past
future perfect
16. Past
future perfect continuous
Simple Present Tense
Formula :
Formula :
+ )
+ V1 + O/C
S + Do/does + not + V1 + O/C
? ) Do/does + S + V1 + O/C
Example :
+ ) Sisca Reads book
- ) Sisca does
not Read book everyday
? ) does Sisca Read
book everyday
· Yes He does / No He does not (doesn’t)
· For I, We, You, They = do
· He, She, It = Does
Example Sentence :
(+) She is a new people here.
(-) She isn’t a new
people here.
(?) Is she a new people
2. Present Continuous Tense
Formula :
) S + Be + V1 + ing +
>> + } They
are playing badminton now
- )
S + Be + not + V1 + ing + O/C
– } They are not playing badminton now
) Be + S + V1 + ing +
>> ? } Are
they playing badminton now ?
· Yes They are / no they are not
· For I = am
· They, we, you = are
· He, She, It = Is
Example Sentence :
(+) He is playing badminton now
(-) He isn’t playing badminton now.
(?) Is he playing badminton now.
3. Present Perfect Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb+main verb
Example :
(+) you have eaten mine.
(-) she has not been to Rome.
(?) have you finished?
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + have/has + been + Ving
(-) : S + have/has + not + been +
(?) : Have/has + S + been + Ving
Example :
(+) She has been going to Malang
since evening.
(-) She hasn’t been going to
Malang since evening.
(?) Has she been going to
Malang ?
Simple Past Tense
Formula :
+} S+Be+Was/Were+O/C
-} S+Be+Was/Were+not+O/C
?} Be+Was/Were+ S+O/C
Example :
+} We were at school yesterday
-} We were not at school yesterday
?} Were we at school yesterday ?
· For I, He, She, It = Was
· They, we, you = were
Example Sentence :
(+) I saw a good film last night
(-) I saw not a good film last
(?) Saw I a good film last
Past Continuous Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + was/were + Ving
(-) : S + was/were + NOT + Ving
(?) : Was/Were + S + Ving
Example :
(+) They were talking about
sport when I met him.
(-) They weren’t talking about
sport when I met him.
(?) Were they talking about
sport when I met him.
7. Past Perfect Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+main
(+) : S + had + V3
(-) : S + had + not + V3
(?) : Had + S + V3
Example :
(+) When my brother arrived , I had
painted my motor cycle
(-) When my brother arrived ,
I hadn’t painted my motor cycle
(?) Had I my motor cycle ,
when my brother arrived ?
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb
HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Example :
(+) When they washed my drees
, your father had been playing badminton
(-) When they washed my dress
, your father hadn’t been playing badminton
(?) When they washed my dress
, had your father been playing badminton ?
Simple Future Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+main
Example :
(+) President shall at
Nederland the day after tomorrow.
(-) President shall not at Nederland
the day after tomorrow.
(?) Shall President at Nederland the
day after tomorrow?
10. Future Continuous Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb
WILL+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Example :
(+) I will be writing a comic.
(-) I will not writing a
(?) Will I be writing a comic
11. Future Perfect Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb
WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb
Example :
(+) You will have
forgotten me by then.
(-) We will not have left.
(?) Will they have
received it?
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary
verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Example :
(+) I will have been reading a news
(-) I will haven’t been
reading a news paper.
(?) Will I have been riding a
news paper ?
Past Future Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + would + V1
(-) : S + would + not + V1
(?) : Would + S + V1
Example :
(+) They would buy a home the
previous day.
(-) They wouldn’t buy a home
the previous day.
(?) Would they buy a home the
previous day ?
14. Past Future Continuous Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + would + be + Ving
(-) : S + would + not + be + Ving
(?) : Would + S + be + Ving
Example :
(+) I should be swimming at this
time the following day.
(-) I shouldn’t be swimming at
this time the following day.
(?) Shall I be swimming at
this time the following day ?
15. Past Future Perfect Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + would + have + V3
(-) : S + would + not + have + V3
(?) : Would + S + have + V3
Example :
(+) He would have graduated if he
had studies hard.
(-) He wouldn’t have gone if
he had met his darling
(?) Would He have gone if he
had met his darling ?
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + would + have + been + Ving
(-) : S + would + not + have + been
+ Ving
(?) : Would + S + have + been + Ving
Example :
(+) Mrs. Anisa Munif would
have been walking here for seventeen years
(-) Mrs. Anisa Munif wouldn’t
have been walking here for seventeen year
(?) Would Mrs. Anisa Munif
have been walking here for seventeen years?
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